Thursday, December 23, 2010

God-shaped hole

During this time of celebration, people often feel deep down inside themselves an emptiness that they cannot fill. Try as they might, going to parties, baking and eating Christmas goodies, experiencing good times with relatives, or even giving generous gifts will not fill that hole they feel in their hearts. I have felt this emptiness myself.

Blaise Pascal, a renowned Christian philosopher, once said, "There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus." It is so strange that at the time of year when we should be celebrating the One who alone can fill the hearts of men, so often we feel so empty.

Culture has hijacked Christmas, changed its name, and created an aura of materialism surrounding it. We, as Christians, can counteract this movement of Satan (because that is what it really is - Satan is trying to detract attention from the real reason for the season). This is a season when the emptiness people feel makes them more receptive to answers for that emptiness. We can share the good news with the hurting people that surround us. Those people that are behind us in the long line at the store, our unsaved neighbors and relatives. We should be willing to put up with the push-back they may give us for the sake of proclaiming God's word to them.

I want to share the joy I have with those who live joyless lives. Apart from Christ, there is no "joy to the world."

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