Thursday, May 26, 2011

Faith Like a Child

I have enjoyed being with my family more this past week, since I am on summer break. Even though I lived at home throughout the school year, I would not see my younger siblings as much because they would be almost ready for bed when I got home. I was surprised to see how much my five-year-old sister, Daphne, had matured.

Yesterday I had the privilege of taking Daphne on some errands. We were supposed to go to Walmart, but being the directionally-challenged person that I am, I got lost. (A word of advice: don't get directions from a five-year-old, as smart as he or she may be). I finally found my way back to church, and decided to take Daphne to Chickfila. She played for a little while and she got a balloon. She was all smiles when we went back to church. It was such a special time!

I was making my bed this morning, when she came in a smiled at me. "Did you know that yesterday was the best day of my life?" She said. "Actually it was the second best day," she continued. "The best day will be the day I die." I was blown away. I did not expect to hear that coming from Daphne's mouth. "Why?" I asked her. "Because that will be the day I got to Heaven and see Jesus. Don't cry or be sad when I die, Jenny. You'll see me soon. I love you!" Daphne then skipped off to play.

I sat on my bed and marveled at her faith. She knows with all of her heart that she will be with Jesus when she dies. I am so thankful that my Daphne loves Jesus so much. Her faith has really inspired me, even if she is only five.

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