Sunday, January 23, 2011

Everyone Against Abortion Raise Your Hand Be sad, be angry, but don't just sit there and feel that way. Do something! If just reading statistics does nothing for your sense of justice, then go look up abortion videos on youtube. They are graphic; they can make you sick, feel uncomfortable, and cry. They should. Satan knows that the most effective way of keeping Christians from changing the world is by keeping them oblivious to the evils of it. Go immerse yourself in a culture that thinks nothing of killing unwanted children. Go find ways to actively love unwed mothers. Go make a difference. Making a difference is about the first step. Go take a step, don't just think about it. Go stop abortion!


  1. And what about the single mother who is sure she won't be able to raise that child in a beneficial environment? Who is sure that child will grow up hungry or without a proper education because she doesn't have the necessary financial options to support it?

    Should that unfortunate baby have to live in a crowded, sometimes even abusive and neglecting orphanage, or bounce around from foster home to foster home?

    And the rape victims? They should be made to care for an unwanted kid as well? No amount of devoted prayer can will that fetus away. That child should grow up to learn that it was the product of hate and lust for sexual power?

    What if that fetus turns out to be gay? Will you still fight to protect its rights then?

    I am not pro abortion, nor an advocate for the destruction of life, but a woman should be allowed to do what she wants with her own body, especially if an abortion is the responsible, albeit painful choice.

    I am Pro-Choice.

  2. I do not have all the answers to each individual person's situation, but I believe, with all of my heart, that an unborn baby is a human. Whether or not one can take care of one's child is definitely a concern, but it is not for the parent to decide if the fetus is human or not. Would you kill your toddler because you could not provide for it? What was the problem with slavery in America? It was that people did not treat humans as such. Whether or not it was advantageous to accept the enslaved people's humanity was of no importance: their humanity was a fact. Likewise, rejection of the fact that unborn babies are humans does not affect the truth. There are desperate situations in the world, such as the ones you mentioned, but, as you have probably seen from my blog, I believe that God is more powerful than even the most desperate situation out there. Who gave us the right to decide who is a human and who is not? Is the fetus whose mother wants it a human any more than one whose mother does not? Start at ground zero: I will not kill a human. Based on that, there are other options. "Trust in the Lord with all of you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths." I am against murder. There is no choice to murder someone that could ever be right.

  3. Is it worth it? Who ever said life is better than death?

    By "starting at ground zero", you are not acknowledging all of the other important factors that go INTO the life you are working so hard to protect. There is no guarantee that the saved fetus's condition will improve upon exiting the womb. Also the concept of personhood is separate from the concept of life. I am looking at the fetus as a figure of life rather than the brown eyed little boy who grows up to be a successful doctor ORRRR may grow up to live a life of drug abuse and suicidal thoughts.

    I know murder is terrible. I know it is widely condemned. But you are not considering all of the other things that complicate one life "saved". I'm not looking at it as murder so much as the saving of a potentially miserable experience. It is merely an option.

    Speaking of slavery, isn't forcing a woman to continue a pregnancy a form of slavery? Taking away a woman's choice of reproduction is stepping dangerously close to civil rights and freedoms. The question of "is the fetus a person" is irrelevant when you look at it from the mother's point of view. Many mothers end up with serious health complications stemming from their pregnancy. You want to trade one life for another?

  4. Do you know who said life was better than death? Jesus did. When he made you and each person on the day of their conception, he gave them life. Life is hard. I am not ignoring the other factors, such as the fact that the baby could grow up and be a drug addict and have a much worse life than if he or she had been aborted, but who are we to say which life is worth living and which is not?

    Let's say there was a murderer who killed those people whom he/ she thought were useless and had no real future. That person could call his/ her murder of unwanted people by some other name, but it would still be murder. If you look at the world from God's perspective, you can see that there is a standard of right and wrong clearly laid out in the Bible. Abortion is wrong, no matter what the situation.

    I am currently trying to get involved in ministries to mothers who are unable to take care of their children. I am doing this to show that there are other options than murdering innocent babies.

    You talk about the right to choose...what about the baby's right to choose? The fact is, life is not given by humans to humans, nor should it be taken by humans. The baby did not choose to be alive, nor did the mother choose for it to be conceived. Therefore, it is wrong for the mother to take its God-given life. God put that baby there. There are serious consequences for people who mess with what God has done.

    Is it slavery for a woman to have to be a mother to her child? I disagree. The Bible says that children are a blessing from the Lord. A child can bring a smile to the face of the most dreary person. I am sorry for people who look at motherhood as a form of slavery -- they are missing out on one of life's biggest blessings. I firmly believe that motherhood can be the biggest blessing. If a mother cannot take care of her child, then there are options such as adoption, etc. But, no, motherhood is not slavery.

    When you say, "The question of 'is the fetus a person' is irrelevant when you look at it from the mother's point of view..." you are saying that the mother's point of view is what affects a baby's personhood. That is completely wrong. If your mother decided you were not a person and killed you five minutes after you were born, she would be put in prison for murder.

    Sadly, there are a number of mothers who have health complications. Each situation is individual, so it is hard to speak to the issue as a whole. You can call me archaic, but I believe in miracles. God can and will do anything he wants in the lives of the mother and the child.

    The main point is that it is not up to us to take life. As has been established from the beginning of the world, when God created everything and put the breath of life into the nostrils of the man, life is God's to give and take.

    If we are not both coming from the same launching pad (namely the truths of the Bible), then none of these proofs will make any difference in your reasoning.

    I apologize if this comes across too strongly, but it is truly a matter of life and death. There are millions of babies that are being killed because of people's apathy. I am out to stop that. That is part of what Christianity is about: saving people's physical lives. The other part is saving their souls.

  5. When it comes down to it, I believe that a woman has the right to choose. That yes, in fact she did put that baby there and she can take it away. It is slavery to be forced for 9 long months to provide for your rapist's child knowing the entire time that the baby will live a starved life. It would have been completely in her rights for my mother to kill me 5 minutes after I was born if she thought it best. If she had good intentions I wouldn't have thought her worse for it. Prison is a question of the law, not of her morality and judgment (two very different things).

    There are holes in both of our arguments. I guess your answer to the question of abortion is difficult to understand when I have trouble with the subject of God itself.

  6. I won't deny that there are holes in my argument. I am going to work my hardest to fix that. God is where you really need to start. I am genuinely sorry we do not see eye-to-eye on that account. I hope that I have not been offensive in the way I have stated any of my beliefs.

  7. Likewise, I respect you and your beliefs.
