Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In a World of Uncertainty, God's Hand will Hold Me

In my hoverings in a place between two decisions, two courses, or two equally life-changing events - a place that is called uncertainty, I have discovered that I can still feel secure. "Why?" You may ask. Because I am resting in the safe and loving hand of God. Sometimes I am blind to the path on which I ought to be treading. Then I hear the Holy Spirit whisper,"My child, reach out your hand." And as I hold out my tremulous hand in trepidation, I feel the unwavering hand of my Lord surround me, pick me up, and hold me close to his heart. I feel the beat of his heart, and it soothes me, saying, "I love you my child; I love you!"

Sometimes the significance of the title, "Father," which I give God is lost on me. "Dear Father...blahblahblah." In my earthly father, I see a strong man who loves me unconditionally, who leads me with kindness, and who tries his best to set an example of the godly Christian life for me. However wonderful my father on earth is, my Father in Heaven is perfect. I am struck, right now, by the amazing love a perfect God has shown me. Yes, even me who has despised his law, and often lived my life as though he never existed! May his gracious, compassionate, just, and holy name be eternally praised. I just put that in the passive voice. Christianity does not call for that! Let me re-phrase; may I always, forever and ever and ever, praise the name of my gracious Redeemer. And no, you did not just intrude on a love-letter between me and my beloved (even though that is what this is). I want the world to know that my Savior is the love of my life!!!

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